The mission of the Center for Catholic Social Thought at the Church of the Assumption is to spread the message and practice of Catholic social teaching. Our central themes are Christian community, work and labor, economics, poverty, technology, and education.
Current & Upcoming
New Book Release!
Check out this new offering from our Director, Colin Miller, We Are Only Saved Together. There will be a reading and reception from 6:30-8pm on Thursday, August 29th, at the Church of the Assumption in St. Paul. All are warmly invited. RSVP's appreciated here. The book is an introduction to living the Catholic Worker's vision today for the ordinary person.
Love of Neighbor and the Fear of Beggars:
A Spirituality of the Common Good for our Streets
How should Christians think about encountering panhandlers? Two talks by Professor Kelly Johnson, University of Dayton.
Friday, Oct. 18, 6:30pm and Saturday, Oct. 19, 10:00am
at the Church of the Assumption. Register here free of charge.
Dorothy Day and the Christian Revolution
Four talks with Colin Miller on his new book, We Are Only Saved Together.
5:30pm Tuesdays, Oct 22-Nov 12
at the Church of the Assumption.
Register here free of charge.
Connect with Us
51 7th St W, St. Paul, MN 55102
A publication themed around community, politics, economics, culture and life. Contact us to request paper copies free of charge, or subscribe to the web version below!