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Fall 2023 Speaker Series:
The Catholic Social Difference

A series of conversations introducing Catholic Social Teaching

and imagining how to put it into practice today:

Community, Poverty, the Economy and Politics

Church of the Assumption, St. Paul, MN

Conversation/Interview Format

Reception following

Free and open to the public

SCHEDULE: Each of the following meets at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings.


Aug. 31 "What is Catholic Social Teaching?"

Professor Michael Naughton, Chair of Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas

Sept. 7 "Community, Poverty, and the Common Good"

Michael Goar, President and CEO of Catholic Charities Twin Cities


Sept. 14 "A Catholic Economy"

Fr. Dan Griffith, Pastor of the Basilica of St. Mary and Director of the Initiative on Restorative Justice and Healing, University of St. Thomas

Sept. 21 "Church and Politics:

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

Msgr. Martin Schlag, Professor of Catholic Social Teaching, University of St. Thomas 


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