Catholic Citizen
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New Course Coming Soon 

Technology, Good Work, and Local Living

Today we are forced to confront fundamental questions about how to live on a daily basis: technology is reaching into ever more remote corners of our lives, and at the same time there is increasing interest among Christians in reconnecting with the land as the source of our material life, finding good work, and living locally. How should we think about these issues as Catholics? What challenges or dangers does technology pose? How do we raise our children, find good work, connect with nature, eat well, cultivate real friendships, and live as disciples in the midst of it?


Co-taught by Colin Miller (Ph.D., Duke University) and KC Flynn (Baylor University), this course draws on Scripture, Catholic social teaching, and authors such as Wendell Berry, Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, Ivan Illich and others, to explore these questions.



This course is currently postponed for the Spring, but will be offered in the near future (likely Fall 2025). Be on the lookout for more information and registration opportunities here on this page. The course will be held at Church of the Assumption, St. Paul, and will be ​free and open to the public.

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