Colin received his Ph.D. in theology from Duke University in 2010 under Stanley Hauerwas, having previously studied at Yale and the University of Minnesota. He has taught at various universities, usually as an adjunct, but most recently as assistant professor of Catholic theology at DeSales University in Pennsylvania. He stays active academically by occasionally publishing in journals such as Communio and New Polity, and recently published a book about the Catholic Worker Movement and Christian community for Ave Maria Press (see below). A former Episcopal priest, Colin converted to Catholicism in 2016 under the influence of John Henry Newman, Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and life in a Catholic Worker house. He has been on staff at Church of the Assumption since 2019, and lives with his wife and five children in Columbia Heights at the Maurin House.
Colin Miller
Director of Pastoral Care and Outreach
The Church of the Assumption, St. Paul
New Book Release!
Check out Colin's new book from Ave Maria Press, We Are Only Saved Together: Living the Revolutionary Vision of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement. The book is an introduction to living the Catholic Worker's vision today for the ordinary person. You can learn more about it here.